The crime branch on Friday filed a chargesheet against Shailesh Pandya in the murder case of RTI activist Amit Jethava. The 400-page chargesheet revealed that Pandya had earlier made a failed attempt also to kill Jethava. The chargesheet consists of statements of 151 witnesses. It states that Pandya was given a contract of Rs 11 lakhs to eliminate Jethava by Bahadur Wadher and Shiva Solanki. The duo hatched the conspiracy to...
Withdraw erroneous report on endosulfan, Centre urged by Manas Dasgupta
PMFAI claims imported substitutes will cost the Indian farmers dearly Chemicals are the world's second largest traded commodity ‘India has a 70% market share of endosulfan business globally' The Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators' Association of India (PMFAI), on the radar of some environmentalists and business lobbies, on Friday demanded the Central government to withdraw the “erroneous” report of the Ahmedabad-based National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) declaring endosulfan as a health hazard. Describing the...
More »UP farmers reap a bitter harvest by Samarth Saran
Roza Mandi, the biggest grain/paddy market in Shahjahanpur distrtict of Uttar Pradesh, is always bustling with traders, farmers and mill owners. However, there is one spot in the market where there is not much activity. And that is the government procurement centre, where farmers are supposed to sell their crops. AMRish Tiwari, a farmer from Shahjahanpur, harvested 1,000 quintal of paddy crop this season. Considering he should have sold around 850...
More »Police slap MCOCA on Ahmednagar sand mafia by AMRuta Byatnal
The 32-member gang has been involved in 15 cases Move to invoke Act comes after killing of Nashik Additional Collector The police have booked a 32-member sand mafia from Nevasa taluk under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA). This is the first time the Act has been invoked against a sand mafia in the State, Ahmednagar Superintendent of Police Krishna Prakash told The Hindu. The mafia, led by the absconding Anna...
More »170 held in crackdown on mafia by Vinaya Deshpande
Lone absconding accused arrested Co-accused produced in juvenile court As 15 lakh State government employees and gazetted officers went on strike on Thursday to protest the gruesome killing of Additional Collector of Nashik Yashwant Sonawane, the State government cracked the whip on the oil, sand and milk mafia in the State. “In the last 36 hours, we have arrested 170 persons in raids conducted across the State,” K.P. Raghuvanshi, Additional Director-General of Police,...
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