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How Assam's neglected black rice found a market in Delhi, Mumbai -Manjeet Sehgal

-India Today Commonly grown in Assam, the Black Rice (Kala chavul) is an exotic variety with amazing nutritional parameters like anti-oxidant, minerals, carbohydrates and fibre but the growers lacked the market. Chandigarh: The northeastern states like Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Sikkim are a veritable goldmine of organic foodgrains, herbs, spices and fruits. Despite the uniqueness and amazing health benefits, these foodgrains and herbs remain confined to these states as...

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Bengal farmers consider suicide as cold storage options dry up for potato crop -Debasis Sarkar

-The Economic Times SILIGURI: Acute shortage in cold storage capacity has put potato farmers in great distress in West Bengal, which is the SECond largest producers of the tuber in the country after Uttar Pradesh. The situation, if not managed soon, may cause severe rural level socio-economic crisis in many districts of the state. As the potato sowing and reaping timeline goes, farmers start loading their produce at cold storages during March...

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El Nino seen arriving too late to hurt India's monsoon rains -Pratik Parija Bloomberg A late El Nino may miss India’s monsoon season that runs from June through September, accounting for more than 70% of rain and watering more than half of all farmland New Delhi: India’s monsoon may escape the effects of a possible El Nino as the event that can bring dry weather to the world’s top cotton grower and SECond-biggest wheat and sugar producer. “Mostly it may not have any impact on...

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Agriculture: Here's why farmers are in trouble despite high pulse procurement

-The Financial Express Given the likely 22 million tonne production of pulses this year, up more than a third compared to last year, it is not surprising prices have crashed. In the case of tur, for instance, retail prices are down from R118 per kg in Delhi on October 1, 2016 to R89 on March 1. As a result of the surge in pulses inflation last year, rabi sowing increased by...

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Demonetisation and the GDP: knock-out punch or mild tap? -Aarati Krishnan

-The Hindu The CSO has been consistent with its methods, allowing little room for suspicion of window dressing. Did demonetisation deal a knock-out punch to the Indian economy? Or was it just a mild tap from which it is already recovering? This debate should have been settled with the latest SECond advance estimates from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) which peg FY17 GDP growth at 7.1%. But commentators who believe that the economy...

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