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Spirited fight by S Dorairaj

Striking workers at Foxconn India in Sriperumbudur near Chennai take on the corporate giant, demanding better wages. WORKERS at Foxconn-India in Sriperumbudur in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, have been on strike from September 24 demanding better wages. They also want the reinstatement of 24 suspended colleagues and the withdrawal of an eight-day wage cut slapped on some workers. That they have held out for so long is remarkable, not least...

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Rajasthan plans health centres in tribal areas

The Rajasthan Budget for 2011-12 will make a special provision for establishment of health sub-centres and primary health centres in the tribal-dominated regions of southern regions in the State, considered remote and geographically difficult to access. State Medical and Health Minister A. A. Khan said at Gainji village in Dungarpur district on Monday that his department's officers would submit the proposals for budgetary allocations at the district level to strengthen the...

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More funding for Ganga clean-up

To maintain projects to clean the river and restore its environmental health Centre to consider Uttarakhand's demand for free power in compensation for scrapped projects Conservation Action Plan approved for Gangetic dolphin, the national aquatic animal States through which the Ganga flows will soon be given additional funding to operate and maintain projects to clean the river and restore its environmental health. However, States lobbied for more aid and free power to those...

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Rs1193.88 crore meant for Vidarbha development unspent till September 2010

Even as the popular demand for creation of separate Vidarbha state and development of the region is doing rounds for some time, a gross negligence on part of both, the politicians and the bureaucrats implementing the state government schemes has surfaced. Sources close to the divisional commissionerate told PTI that as many as Rs1193.88 crore out of a total allocation and release of Rs2997.03 crore of Vidarbha package have not been...

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UN agency steps in to help Pakistani farmers after floods destroyed seed stocks

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is distributing wheat seeds that will benefit over half a million farming families, or nearly five million people, whose seed supplies were destroyed during the recent flood disaster. The floods, which began in late July and inundated one fifth of the country, claimed more than 1,800 lives and have affected more than 20 million others. Agriculture is the mainstay for over 80 per cent...

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