-The Hindu Shortfall unlikely to impede agriculture, officials say. Amidst concerns that monsoon rains could fall short of “normal,” the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is reviewing its projections. Officials, however, told The Hindu that while July rains were less than expected, the shortfall was confined to the northeastern States of India and below-normal rains were unlikely to impede agriculture production. It’s expected to take a call before the weekend on whether to stick...
North-eastern states live in fear of drought -Akshit Sangomla
-Down to Earth Monsoon ditched them so bad that they stare at lowest rain deficit in 13 years This year, the north-eastern region of India has been witness to a series of weather anomalies. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the eastern and north-eastern regions have together received 31 per cent less rainfall than normal in this south-west monsoon (SWM) season as on July 25, 2018. If the scenario does not...
More »Monsoon fingers crossed -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The national weather agency has predicted above-normal rain over eastern, central and northwestern India between July 19 and 25 amid concerns that one-third of the country has received deficient rainfall so far this monsoon season. Rainfall data released by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Friday show that swathes of eastern and northern India have rainfall deficits, ranging from 23 per cent below normal in Bengal to 46...
More »The govt needs to step in to revive rural demand -Himanshu
-Livemint.com Agriculture is not only crucial for what happens to growth, inflation and rural distress, it is also politically important given the simmering discontent among farmers in the last two years Last week, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) declared that the south-west monsoon has covered the entire country, 15 days earlier than normal. This may be a cause for celebration considering the distress in agriculture in the last four years. Agriculture is...
More »Changing rainfall patterns cause for worry in India -Nidhi Jamwal
-India Climate Dialogue The meteorological department’s analysis of annual rainfall for the past 50 years has found significant increasing or decreasing trends in districts that could put a spanner into India’s food security scenario. Since June 13, there has been a hiatus in the advance of southwest monsoon in the country due to the weakening of its circulation pattern. This dry spell is expected to soon change as the monsoon is likely...
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