-Outlook The Delhi High Court today said crimes against women in the national capital occur more often in a few "pockets" of the city, particularly areas which have undergone rapid urbanisation. A bench of acting Chief Justice B D Ahmed and Justice S Mridul made the remarks after going through the crime-mapping charts and tables submitted by Delhi Police pursuant to the court's order to undertake the exercise. "On going through the charts...
No country for whistle-blowers -Andrew M Beato and Narayan Lakshman
-The Hindu A strong whistle-blower protection law in India would expose financial corruption in a way that reinforces ethical business practices In 2013, generic pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy pleaded guilty to seven criminal felonies for drug manufacturing fraud and agreed to cough up an unprecedented $500 million in fines. The case against Ranbaxy was significant not only for being a successful prosecution of a powerful India corporation. It also marked the triumph of Dinesh...
More »Instances of censorship on the rise: The Hoot-Anita Joshua
-The Hindu Long list of agents against free expression Censorship across the country is on the rise with as many as 52 instances being recorded in the first quarter of 2014. Releasing data on censorship for the first three months of this year, media watch group, The Hoot, said this averaged a little less than one a day. The agents against free expression were not just the state or fringe groups. The...
More »Handbook for rape survivors
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: What actions constitute rape? If you are a rape survivor what happens during medical exam? Is the two finger test legal? What information should your FIR on sexual assault contain? Can you afford to delay it? Can you ask for medical assistance but refuse to file a case? Fundamental questions like these are rarely raised by anyone except victims of sexual violence and the answers...
More »Politicians under crime record bureau lens -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Lok Sabha polls are not only under the watch of the Election Commission and financial agencies for corrupt practices, but also under the scanner of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). For the first time, the agency, under instructions from the home ministry, will collect data on poll-related offences such as liquor/money distribution, communal or hate speeches, false affidavits by politicians, poll violence, bogus voting and...
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