-The Hindu Business Line It could, if agri policies fail to incentivise farmers more. The demand for food is expected to spike in the coming years India is, today, a country of about 1.35 billion people. United Nations’ population projections of 2017 say that India is likely to surpass China’s population by 2024 and reach 1.5 billion by 2030, making it the most populous nation on the planet. About two-thirds of Indians are...
The anatomy of India's middle class -Nikita Kwatra
-Livemint.com Contrary to the assumption that the middle class is an urban phenomenon, a considerable segment of the Indian middle class resides in rural areas, finds a new study The size of the Indian middle class has always been at the heart of the narrative around India’s economic development. And yet the term middle class remains arbitrarily defined with estimates of its size and characteristics varying significantly based on subjective notions of...
More »Caste biases rife even in M&A deals in India, shows an IIM-B study -Arjun Srinivas
-Livemint.com * Company boards dominated by directors of the same caste tend to enter deals more often, shows an IIM-B study * These companies perform slightly worse in terms of returns than those who do not enter into same-caste deals New Delhi: The caste system pervades all spheres of Indian society. Caste biases still influence many aspects of the economy but the private corporate sector is generally perceived as an oasis of meritocracy...
More »Why are urban and rural voters dissimilar? -Narendar Pani
-The Hindu Business Line Vote shares are generally higher in rural India, because of the centrality of political power in meeting the needs of communities Well before the 2019 Lok Sabha polls have reached the half-way mark there has been a firm reaffirmation of the sharp differences between the urban and the rural voter. The levels of participation of rural voters in Karnataka’s polling have once again been far greater than that...
More »In rice bowl of U'khand, dwindling groundwater a big problem -Aakash Ahuja
-Down to Earth RUDRAPUR: In Udham Singh Nagar district, considered the rice bowl of Uttarakhand, thousands of farmers are dependent on groundwater resources for irrigating water-hungry crops such as rice, maize and other kharif crops. Since the past decade, this area has been grappling with intense and rapid depletion of groundwater reserves largely due to over-extraction in the industrial area set up at different cities in the district and the cultivation...
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