Indian courts have consistently upheld and championed the fundamental right to free speech and expression enshrined in the Constitution. This includes the right to put forward different and contrary views, right or wrong. A recent instance saw the Supreme Court of India striking down Uttar Pradesh's ban on the film Aarakshan. This article by A.P. Shah, retired Chief Justice of the Madras and Delhi High Courts, sets out key issues...
Indian sex workers' collective ties-up with foreign varsities
-PTI Ashodaya Samiti, a sex workers' collective in Mysore, has for the first time tied up with foreign universities and institutions to conduct a comprehensive research on improving women's Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in India and in Africa. Ashodaya Samiti has joined a consortium consisting of universities and institutions in five countries, of which three are in Africa, to conduct SRH research services through identifying best practices in delivering a combined...
More »Government loosens purse strings for doctors in rural areas by Ashish Gaur
The state government is game for offering attractive pay package to doctors willing to hit road to villages. The government has rolled out a new scheme wherein doctors willing to serve in rural areas will get Rs 10,000 more. And for those performing and assisting in caesareanoperations, there will be Rs 2,700 over and above all that will come to them. Till now, doctors get Rs 40,000 monthly salary for...
More »Investment in children is paying off, but it must reach most vulnerable-UN report
-The United Nations Children’s well-being has improved dramatically thanks to increased global political will and efficient supportive programmes and policies, according to a report released today by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Save the Children UK, but it also warns that benefits need to reach the most disadvantaged children for gains to be sustainable. “We have seen remarkable results largely because of strong political will by countries, matched by the...
More »Women's Health is more than an economic issue by Jayati Ghosh
While higher income levels mean countries have more money to improve women's Health, ultimately it comes down to how governments decide to spend the money We know that economic growth and human development do not always go hand in hand, as evidenced by the very different position of countries in per capita GDP rankings compared with human development rankings. But the link between Health conditions and economic growth is usually thought...
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