Paytm's founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma was in the news recently for signing a deal to purchase a Rs. 82 crore worth property in Lutyens’ Delhi. He is credited with the growth of Paytm's mobile wallet services, which is currently being used by over 220 million users across the country. Although Paytm was launched in 2010, the popularity of its mobile wallet services and payment gateway among the ordinary citizens grew...
Law Commission moots easier bail for poor
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Law Commission has urged the government to amend the Criminal Procedure Code to make it easier for poor and illiterate accused to secure bail, and against "reasonable" bonds. It has stressed that the rich tend to receive bail easily in the country whereas the poor are denied bail outright or are set bail bonds that are beyond their ability to pay. It has also highlighted that over 70...
More »Reversal Of Fortunes: From net farm exporter to net importer -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express Between 2013-14 and 2016-17, India’s exports of agricultural commodities have dipped from $43.2 billion to $33.8 billion, even as imports have climbed from $15.5 billion to $25.6 billion Falling exports and rising imports — this has been the story of the country’s agricultural trade over the last three years, notwithstanding the Narendra Modi government’s ambitious Make in India initiative. Between 2013-14 and 2016-17, India’s exports of agricultural commodities have dipped...
More »Moderation row: HRD, CBSE not on same page -Manash Pratim Gohain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The divergence between the government and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) over the controversy over moderation of results has widened with the board's decision to do away with re-evaluation of answer sheets. The ministry of human resource development and the CBSE were not on the same page over the decision to do away with moderation — thereafter struck down by the Delhi High Court...
More »Rising impunity might be driving anti-Dalit violence -Roshan Kishore Conviction rates for crimes against Dalits have declined sharply since 2011 The recent clashes between Dalits and Thakurs in Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh (UP) have once again thrown the spotlight on the deep fault lines in Indian society. While violence against lower caste groups such as Dalits or scheduled castes (SCs) has a long history in the country, such crimes have been on the rise over the past few years, data...
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