-The Indian Express “The new system will tell us the probability of rainfall according to its intensity and volume. This will be colour coded for ease of interpretation,” said IMD Director General KJ Ramesh. New Delhi: The India Met Department (IMD) on Friday launched two “very high resolution” Ensemble Prediction Systems, to generate ten-day probabilistic weather forecasts. In simple terms, the new systems in place can provide rainfall forecasts with probabilities...
Civil Society Demands Withdrawal of AP "Anti-People" Land Acquisition Amendment Bill
-Hindkisan.com “This amendment is an insult to people who fought hard to secure progressive provisions in the LARR 2013, it weaken people’s Power to challenge illegal and unjust forced acquisition of land, and emPowers the state and corporations to infringe upon people’s rights over natural resources” read the statement. Various civil society organisations have come together to oppose the recent President’s assent granted to the amendments made in the Andhra Pradesh Land...
More »Provisional estimates: Good rabi crop, uptick in factory output lift GDP up to 7.7% -Aanchal Magazine
-The Indian Express The country had recorded GDP growth of 7.1 per cent in the previous financial year (2016-17). Growth is projected to rebound to 7.5 per cent this year. Boosted by an uptick in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and a good rabi harvest, India’s real gross domestic product (GDP) surged to a seven-quarter high of 7.7 per cent in January-March, the last quarter of the 2017-18 financial year. The rise...
More »River Sutra -R Selvam
-The Indian Express International treaties hold lessons for the Cauvery dispute. More than 80 per cent of Indian rivers are inter-state rivers. According to the Central Water Commission, there are 125 inter-state water agreements in India. Many of these agreements are more than 100 years old and had been executed without seriously considering socio-economic, political and geographical factors. These treaties have now become permanent sources of problems for many states. Continuous redrawing...
More »The ugly phenomenon of paid news -Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
-The Tribune The CobraPost sting reveals that the independence of the media and its ability to bring about transparency by playing an adversarial role against the establishment get compromised because of corruption within the folds of the media itself. The sting operations conducted by CobraPost, among other things, highlight how pervasive the phenomenon of paid news is at present in much of the mainstream media in India. Corruption in the media is...
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