-The Hindu The State has seen a 67.4 per cent growth in the number of establishments. Among the larger States, Uttar Pradesh has seen the highest growth in enterprises and employment generation over the past decade, outstripping the economically strong states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra and Punjab, according to data from the Sixth Economic Census released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Uttar Pradesh has seen a 67.4 per cent growth...
Forums urge state to bring RTI activist's killers to book
-The Times of India Mangaluru: Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) and National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) have urged karnataka government to take stringent action against the killers of city-based RTI activist Vinayak Panduranga Baliga. Vinayak, who was actively involved in RTI movement, was murdered near his house in the city on March 21. Even as the 13th day rituals of Vinayak was being observed on Saturday, RTI activist and...
More »Second season of severe drought: Distress from dry spell in several states -Sowmya Aji
-The Economic Times The contiguous arid region of southern Maharashtra, karnataka, western Telangana and Andhra Pradesh is facing a second season of severe drought, even as the rest of the country has managed to sow some crop in the October to December rabi season. Of the four states, karnataka, with the second largest arid zone after Rajasthan, is the worst hit and has gone to the Centre seeking a bailout of...
More »‘Policy on rare diseases will make treatment affordable, inclusive’ -Cinthya Anand
-The Hindu Patients face discrimination because public health systems and schools are not equipped to deal with the problem Bengaluru: “The cost of my daughter's treatment is around Rs. 1 crore per annum. If it were not for the aid of a United States-based foundation, I would not be able to help her,” said Prasanna B. Shirol, founder-director, Organisation for Rare Diseases India. His teenage daughter suffers from Pompe Disease, a rare...
More »Understanding the economy of ageing -Jacob Koshy
-The Hindu The Longitudinal Ageing Study of India is to follow the health and socio-economic condition of 60,000 Indians over the age of 45 for at least 25 years and report on how growing old affects the country Half of India’s over 1.2 billion population is 25 years or younger, with only about nine per cent over 60 years. Over the next three decades this is expected to balloon to 20 per...
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