-The Times of India Seventeen months after it registered a FIR (first information report) in the Adarsh society scam, the CBI on Wednesday filed a chargesheet against 13 politicians, bureaucrats and retired military officers. The case involving the 31-storeyed tower in tony Colaba had led to a chief minister stepping down and seven high-profile personalities, including a former BMC chief and retired military officers, getting Arrested. The charges filed were for criminal...
Flashpoint Nagri erupts again
-The Telegraph Ranchi: Land politics took an ugly turn in Nagri today, leaving two dozen people, including a senior police officer, wounded and the future of three elite cradles tense. Disarmed by a recent Supreme Court snub on their claim over 218 “fertile” acres — allotted by the government for IIM, IIIT and NUSRL campuses — villagers armed with bamboo poles and iron rods partially dismantled the boundary walls of the management...
More »After rigorous self-appraisal, CAG sticks to its guns on 2G-Shalini Singh
-The Hindu The CAG, after completing this month a detailed ‘internal appraisal’ of two of its most high-profile reports, has not just stood by its findings “regardless of media comments and the statements made by senior functionaries of the government,” but also substantiated them, citing additional crucial events. The internal assessment has been done on its reports on the 2G spectrum scam of November 2010 and Civil Aviation (Air India) of September...
More »Realty wife No. 2 surrenders
-The Telegraph The second wife of a realty firm managing director, on the run for months for being part of a housing hoax that deprived hundreds of Jharkhand residents of crores, surprised investigators today by surrendering in the court of a judicial magistrate. Anamika Nandi, the second wife of Sanjeevani Buildcon Private Limited managing director and prime accused J.D. Nandi, turned up at the court of S. Kumar around 11.30am and dramatically...
More »When the gas leaked, Arjun flew away to pray-Rasheed Kidwai
-The Telegraph When the deadly gas was spreading havoc in Bhopal, Arjun Singh was hundreds of miles away — praying. Hours after the leaking methyl isocyanate gas had left a trail of death in the Madhya Pradesh capital, the state’s then chief minister had taken a flight to Allahabad, where he visited the chapel of his childhood school to pray for “moral courage”. The startling revelation comes in Arjun’s yet-to-be-released memoirs, A Grain...
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