-The Indian Express Each sex worker will receive Rs 5,000 per month along with three kg of wheat and two kg of rice. Mumbai: To cope with the effects of the lockdown, the Maharashtra government has decided to give financial aid and 5-kg ration to 5,600 sex workers of Mumbai every month till the Covid-19 pandemic is over. But even as Maharashtra became the FIRst state in October to issue a government resolution...
Do We Really Know Why COVID-19 Spikes In Some Places? -Rukmini S
-IndiaSpend.com Chennai: About 10 months, nine million cases and over 130,000 deaths later, India does not yet know enough about why the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 affected whom it did, and how it did that. There is wide variation in the spread of COVID-19 between states. Areas with higher population density are expected to have more cases, but varying testing rates could be affecting case detection. While the elderly and those...
More »Prabhat Patnaik, eminent economist and professor emeritus at Jawaharlal Nehru University, interviewed by Subhoranjan Dasgupta (The Telegraph)
-The Telegraph ‘Farmers at mercy of corporates, food security threatened’ Eminent economist, professor emeritus at Jawaharlal Nehru University and activist Prabhat Patnaik traces the downward and dangerous slide of the Indian economy, from the demonetisation to the new farm bills. * The FIRst onslaught was in the form of the demonetisation. While Amartya Sen termed this step “despotic”, Narendra Modi gushed that there would be no black money after the demonetisation. In the...
More »The ‘Time Use Survey’ as an opportunity lost -Indira Hirway
-The Hindu Gaps in the Indian version’s data will impact Sustainable Development Goal 5.4 and the ILO’s resolution on defining work The all India Time Use Survey, 2019 has just been published by the Government of India. As a survey that has covered the entire country for the FIRst time, the National Statistical Office needs to be complimented for accomplishing the task. The “Time Use Survey, or TUS, provides a framework for measuring...
More »Why Recovery at Cost of Worker Immiserisation Won’t Last Long -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in GDP recovery from the lockdown-induced abyss is accompanied by significant labour displacement and squeeze on wages, which will impact aggregate demand. Ministers from Narendra Modi to Nirmala Sitharaman are talking about a recovery of the Indian economy from the pandemic-induced crisis. Even the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which estimated the second quarter GDP growth to have been -8.6%, has seen signs of recovery in October. Of course, there had to be...
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