The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday asked the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to conduct a fresh probe into the death of Muslim youth Rizwanur Rahman, whose mysterious death after his marriage with the daughter of a rich Hindu businessman in 2007 had sparked widespread outrage. The court, acting on a complaint filed by Rizwanur's brother Rukbanur Rahman, asked the CBI to conduct a fresh probe by starting a murder case. A...
Two Dalits burnt alive after clash over dog
An argument between a Dalit and a Jat over the former’s dog led to near-unbridled violence in a village in Hisar district which was tense throughout Thursday after an 18-year-old physically challenged Dalit girl and her father were burnt alive on Wednesday. The Dalits refused to cremate the bodies, demanding a CBI probe and compensation, apart from sacking of the Jat tehsildar of Mirchpur village where the violence began. Angry...
More »Over 200 cases of corruption against public servants: CBI
CBI has registered more than 200 cases of corruption against government employees, including some senior officials, between January and March this year. “The CBI has registered 2,439 cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act against public servants including senior officers during the last three years (2007, 2008, 2009) and the current year (upto March 2010),” minister of state for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Prithviraj Chavan told Lok Sabha in a...
More »Is Nandkishore Mumbai's Satyendra Dubey? by Shoaib Ahmed
A week after the suicide of a BMC engineer, his family alleges he was murdered for being a whistle blower. They refuse to cremate his body unless a CBI probe is ordered. On March 27, the convicts were sentenced by a Patna court for murdering Satyendra Dubey, an engineer who had exposed corruption in the National Highway Authority of India. On the very same day, in Mumbai, a 28-year-old engineer,...
More »Life term for 3 in Dubey murder case
Three men were on Saturday sentenced to life imprisonment after being convicted of murdering National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) engineer Satyendra Dubey, the young whistle-blower who had exposed corruption in a national highway project in Bihar, seven years ago. Mantu Kumar, Udai Kumar and Pinku Ravidas were handed the life sentence by a special CBI court judge Raghvendra Singh, who held them guilty of the murder of the 31-year-old IIT-Kanpur...
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