-The Indian Express A balanced approach can reduce petrol price without affecting revenues. RBI mustn’t artificially shore up rupee The Brent crude oil price has changed from around $68/barrel in January to $70/barrel on November 9, touching a high of $86 on October 3. The rupee has also fallen from Rs 63.30 per US$ in January to Rs 70 on November 9. These fluctuations have created major policy problems for the...
Double whammy of groundwater in India -- declining reserves and rising carbon eMISsions -Dinesh C Sharma
-The Hindu Business Line Researchers say that environmental problem of groundwater depletion is much more serious than carbon dioxide eMISsions associated with it New Delhi: Over-extraction of groundwater is a major environmental challenge in many parts of India. It is not only leading to rapid decline in groundwater reserves but also contributing to India’s carbon eMISsions, a new study has warned. Billions of litres of groundwater pumped out every year contributes to carbon...
More »Pro-Modi posts account for major chunk of fake news: BBC report
-The New Indian Express The conference also included a play by Theatre Nisha, highlighting the simple yet compulsive ways MISinformation is spread on social media and advertising. CHENNAI: A British Broadcasting Corporation report on fake news in the country suggests that pro-Modi political activity and fake news overlap, suggesting that the ruling party is actively and effectively peddling fake news about Prime Minister Narendra Modi across social media platforms such as Twitter,...
More »ORF-WEF survey: '70% youth unaware of govt's skill development programmes' -Karishma Mehrotra
-The Indian Express The low training participation was mostly due to financial barriers and time constraints, with each category cited by a third of youth respondents. Seventy per cent of youth are unaware of government-run skill development programmes in their area, yet more than seventy per cent are very interested in pursuing skills training, according to a “Young India and Work” study by the Observer Research Foundation and World Economic Forum. The findings,...
More »Understanding the Problems of India's Sanitation Workers -Nirat Bhatnagar
-TheWire.in While no one can argue that India may moving in the right direction in terms of sanitation, all is not well. Despite increasing focus by the government and programmes such as the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, unsafe sanitation work, loosely captured under the catch-all phrase manual scavenging, still exists in India. There are five million people employed in sanitation work of some sort in India with about two million of them working...
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