-The Times of India Armed tribals on Wednesday blocked the Bhanjanagar-Dasaplla road at Gayaganda in Ganjam district in protest against the Arrest of 29 tribals from Ambajahari within Tarsingi forest range. Forest personnel raided the reserve forest and Arrested these people for constructing their house by encroaching upon forest land and chopping trees, divisional forest officer, Ghumusar (South) B B Behera said. Behera said the encroachers tried to attack the forest personnel...
Video grab of police highhandedness raises a storm by Parvesh Sharma
While the police force has for long been promising transparency in its working without doing much about it, the common man has taken it upon himself to "expose cases of police highhandedness and excesses". A video of a family being roughed up by cops 19 days ago - recorded by a bystander - has helped mobilize massive support for the victims, and on Monday 17 associations and 15 village panchayats...
More »Posco faces fresh hurdles, Naveen Patnaik government on defensive by Nageshwar Patnaik
Last week's clash near Posco's project site in Odisha is brewing trouble for the South Korean steelmaker and the state government, with legislators demanding a probe into why the main accused in the clash has not been Arrested. State legislators on Monday demanded the immediate Arrest of Bapi Sarkhel, a Paradip-based contractor alleged to have masterminded Wednesday's clash, which left one dead and 25 injured. "When the police Arrested local...
More »Bill provides for cost sharing with States by Gargi Parsai
The controversial targeted National Food Security Bill, which got the nod of the Union Cabinet on Sunday, is a pet project of United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi. However, the recommendation made for near-universalisation by the National Advisory Council chaired by Ms. Gandhi, was set aside by the government. To be piloted by Minister of State (Independent) for Food and Public Distribution K.V. Thomas, the Bill will be introduced in the...
More »SC: Why has LN Mishra murder trial dragged for 37 years? by Dhananjay Mahapatra
The Supreme Court on Thursday wanted to know why trial in the murder of then railway minister L N Mishra, who wielded considerable political clout being close to then PM Indira Gandhi, in a bomb attack in Samastipur on January 2, 1975 was dragging in the lower court even after 37 years. A 27-year-old advocate, who was Arrested in the case and chargesheeted, is now a frail 64 year-old and has...
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