-The Hindu Election Commission data show that 2.3 crore people in the 18-19 age bracket have been enrolled to vote, out of a total electorate of 81.5 crore This Lok Sabha election is likely to reflect the peak of India's electoral demographic dividend with 10% of voters likely to be first-time voters, a combination of electoral and demographic data shows. As fertility begins to decline - faster in the south than in...
The battle for water-Brahma Chellaney
-The Hindu With the era of cheap, bountiful water having been replaced by increasing supply-and-quality constraints, many international investors are beginning to view water as the new oil There is a popular, tongue-in-cheek saying in America - attributed to the writer Mark Twain, who lived through the early phase of the California Water Wars - that "whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting over." It highlights the consequences, even if...
More »A village killed by isolation -Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu Increased rebel activity made it impossible for anyone to commute outside Jagargunda unless they left permanently, as the original inhabitants and the new entrants were marked as Salwa Judum supporters, and overtly boycotted by the Maoist-controlled villages surrounding the enclave. In Jagargunda, a large village in south Chhattisgarh, the villagers have been waiting for their winter rations for more than two months. Ordinarily, this would not be news but Jagargunda...
More »Delhi Police to take complaints on phone, online
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: From this week, people can register complaints of mobile phone thefts, forgery and petty disputes with Delhi Police over the phone. Other than starting a helpline to register such complaints, police also plan to have a helpline for people from the northeast states and for foreign nationals. These measures were announced by police commissioner B S Bassi, as part of the modernization plans for Delhi Police,...
More »Arvind Kejriwal’s oath-taking ceremony cost Rs 6L -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Delhi government spent Rs 6.33 lakh on Arvind Kejriwal's oath-taking ceremony at Ramlila Maidan while his predecessor Sheila Dikshit's oath ceremony cost Rs 13.04 lakh. In response to a query by Mumbai-based RTI applicant Anil Galgali, the Delhi government's general administration department said it had spent Rs 6.33 lakh on the Ramlila Maidan ceremony. This, however, does not include expenses by other departments including power,...
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