The Orissa government on Monday unveiled an ambitious plan to provide agricultural credit of Rs 9165 crore in this fiscal compared to Rs 5300 crore in 2009-10. In a conscious move to avoid the embarrassment of having the tag of anti-farmers, the government has also decided to continue with 2% interest subvention on the farm credit, according to minister for agriculture and cooperation, Damodar Rout. In another significant development, the...
States, companies keen to bring farmers in agri-insurance net
With global warming now becoming a permanent fixture in the Indian agriculture landscape, state governments and insurance firms are rushing to provide crop insurance for farmers. Take the case of Rajasthan, which is now looking at extending agri-insurance cover across its 33 districts this year compared to 26 last year. Ditto with Himachal Pradesh and Haryana which would run the Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojana from this kharif onwards. The cover...
More »Rs 13,742-cr development plan worked out for Naxal districts by Shishir Gupta
Armed with integrated action plans for 35 Naxalite-affected districts in nine states, the Planning Commission is all set to approach the Union Cabinet for a proposed outlay of Rs 13,742 crore to wean away the tribals from sympathising with the Maoists through comprehensive infrastructure and economic development as well as proper implement of the Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act, 1996 and related Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest...
More »Controlling Inflation by Dipankar Dasgupta
The Union budget estimates the nominal rate of growth for the Indian economy to be 12.5 per cent during the current fiscal. While it is impossible to figure out the manner in which this number was arrived at, the government has predicted further that the inflation-adjusted real growth rate for the same year will be eight per cent. Simple arithmetic requires that the difference between the nominal and real growth...
More »Agriculture Loans exceed target by 13% in FY10
Agricultural credit flow by cooperative and public sector banks exceeded the target by 13% in 2009-10 financial year. “The flow of credit to the agriculture sector increased significantly and banks have surpassed the target by extending Rs3,67,000 crore worth of loan to farmers,” an Agriculture Ministry official informed. The banks including public sector, cooperative and regional rural banks (RRBs), were set a target to lend Rs3,25,000 crore of credit to farmers last...
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