-IndiaToday.in Mid-Day Meal Scheme will be including millets in order to enhance the nutrition among children, said the Minister of State for Education, Annpurna Devi. Mid-day meal will include millets (coarse grains) soon, said the Minister of State for Education, Annpurna Devi in a written reply to Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. The Central Government requested State Governments/Union Territory Administrations under PM POSHAN Scheme to include millet in the midday meal in order...
Blissful ignorance -Jayati Ghosh
-The Telegraph The Union budget is an embodiment of unequal fiscal policy The finance minister and her ministry have betrayed, once again, their lack of understanding of the Indian economy or the conditions under which most Indians are living today. Despite attempts to ‘talk up’ the supposed recovery, the economy is weak and most people are hurting. India has seen one of the biggest increases in the number of poor and hungry people...
More »Budget: Digital Models and Catchphrases Cannot Dissolve Inequality -Dipa Sinha
-TheWire.in Presenting a budget, especially in the midst of an economic crisis, is an opportunity to communicate a government's vision for the country. This budget fails to do that and seems to be completely disconnected from ground realities. It seems as if the Union finance minister, this year, took the idea of a paperless budget so literally that she has attempted to find digital solutions to most of the country’s problems. The ‘Amrit...
More »Union Budget 2022: The Concerns and Numbers Don’t Square Up -Arun Kumar
-TheWire.in Much was expected from the Union Budget 2022 which has come at a time when the Indian economy is facing an economic turmoil due to the coronavirus pandemic and battling widespread unemployment and inflation. High hopes were pinned on this year’s budget as the country saw young people protesting for Railway jobs, farmers protesting for the government to address their loss of incomes, micro-sector producers as they faced closures and PSU...
More »Budget 2022: Lowest sections of our society who suffered most are not yet part of recovery story -Ashwini Kulkarni
-The Free Press Journal Today’s budget speech of the Finance Minister was more about Government’s intentions, intentions for a long term horizon like 25 years and little on this years’ specific plans. There is an oft-spoken phrase – where there is a will there's a way. If the policies of a Government is its Will then the Budget is meant to give the Way by providing the means with funds. Today’s budget...
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