Jharkhand now boasts a healthy literacy figure of 67.63 per cent, up by almost 14 per cent since 2001. Thanks to the centrally-sponsored Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, almost all the 32,000 villages in the state now have schools compared to only 16,000 in 2000. Provisional census data released today suggests that literacy figures improved from 54 per cent in 2001 to nearly 68 per cent. Male literacy increased from 67 per cent in...
Critical cohort by TK Rajalakshmi
The battle against poverty and inequity can be won only if governments focus on the welfare of adolescents, says a UNICEF report. FINALLY, it has been recognised that adolescents constitute a very critical category in the overall battle against poverty and inequity. It is for this reason that the United Nations Children's Fund's (UNICEF) flagship report, “The State of the World's Children 2011”, focusses exclusively on adolescents and cautions against neglecting...
More »JK’s sex ratio at new low by Muddasir Ali
In a disturbing trend, Jammu and Kashmir has shown a decline in the child sex ratio in 2011 Census, the figures of which would be released soon. The overall sex ratio has also gone down. While the population has been pegged at more than 1.25 crore, indicating a decadal growth of more than 23 per cent, the literacy rate has shown encouraging trends. The area of grave concern for the state would...
More »Rajasthan reports dismal gender ratio
Rajasthan has failed its girl children on two counts. Not only has it failed to protect them, it has also been unsuccessful in educating them, according to the Census figures released on Monday. The child sex ratio (number of females for every 1,000 male children in 0-6 age group) has dropped sharply to 883 from 909 in 2001 and the state reports the lowest female literacy rate at 52.66%. Expressing concern...
More »Arunachal above national average in population growth
The provisional census 2011 has recorded the population of Arunachal Pradesh at 13,82,611, comprising 7,20,232 males and 6,62,379 females. According to to the latest census, the state has registered an overall growth of 25.92% during 2001-2011. The growth rate is higher than the national average of 17.64%. The state has added 2,84,643 persons in the decade. Papum Pare came up as the most populous district with 1,76,385 population followed by Changlang...
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