Aadhar, the project to give unique identification number to every resident, will be launched in the State by Chief Minister K. Rosaiah in a week. In the first phase, 3.11 crore individuals are targeted to be enrolled by March next in seven districts. Addressing a press conference here on Friday, Minister for Civil Supplies J. Krishna Rao admitted that there was certain percentage of PILferage in every government scheme. Aadhar (UID...
India’s CW Games: Not so great for the poor
In the long speeches made at the opening ceremony of the CW games, every important individual, department or institution that made a contribution, was acknowledged. Did anyone hear a word about the workers who made these world-class games possible? Maybe it was just a slip or maybe it was not considered necessary. Anyway, the workers were not there for the speeches, having been driven out of the capital just a...
More »Rotting grain & judicial transgression by Ashok Khemka
The mountainous state-owned food stocks lying in the open and rotting in the rain are in stark conflict with a failing public distribution system , hunger, malnutrition and high food prices. The poor management of food stocks provoked the Supreme Court to transgress into executive domain when, on August 12, the court made certain directions like limiting procurement to covered warehousing capacity and distributing the rotting foodgrains free of cost...
More »A Thought For Food
Given the scale of UPA-II's proposed food security programme, getting the recipe right was never going to be easy. But even accounting for their differences, the National Advisory Council (NAC) and the government are having more problems than expected pushing the right to food legislation. Two NAC proposals have been rejected by the ministry for consumer affairs, food and public distribution, with the result that a fresh draft may need...
More »‘HC order exposed govt bias’
Court ordered Haryana govt to return panchayat land sold to DLF in Gurgaon The judgment by the Punjab and Haryana High Court slamming the Haryana government for “acting with bias and malice to show favour to M/s DLF” and ordering it to return to villagers the19 acres of prime land in Nathupur village acquired on a ‘false pretext’ has cheered up the man who led this legal battle. Petitioner Meer Singh,...
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