In the midst of COVID-19 lockdown, desert locust swarms have been seen in parts of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh in the second half of May 2020. The recent attacks by desert locust swarms have caused massive crop damage, depletion in the stock of cattle fodder and destruction of green vegetation in these states. As on 25th May, 2020, over half of Rajasthan’s 33 districts were...
GDP Growth Rate Slump: Another Blow to Modi Govt's Economic growth Story -AK Bhattacharya Business Standard The rate of growth for India’s GDP has just about halved in just three years. New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government’s Economic growth story has suffered yet another huge knock. Along with that has come the official admission that the government’s fiscal deficit last year was as large as 4.6% of gross domestic product (GDP), much wider than the 3.8%provided in the Budget presented in February earlier this year. On...
More »12-year low -- and Before Covid
-The Telegraph 2019-20 Economic growth tumbles to 4.2% India’s Economic growth has tumbled to a 12-year low of 4.2 per cent in 2019-20. What is even worse is that this statistic barely reflects the impact of the coronavirus-induced lockdown, which has silenced the clangour in its factories for over two months. The lockdown began on March 25 — barely a week before the close of the financial year. “Due to a contraction in investment of...
More »In Amartya Sen vs Jagdish Bhagwati debate, was Sen right after all? -Manas Chakravarty The COVID-19 pandemic brings a new perspective to the Sen vs Bhagwati 2014 debate. Just before the general elections in 2014, a rather unlikely fight erupted in the pink papers. In the Left corner, wearing what some people said were bright red shorts, was Nobel Laureate and economist Amartya Sen. In the Right corner, wearing true blue shorts, was eminent trade economist Jagdish Bhagwati. The dispute was whether social welfare and health...
More »Santosh K Mehrotra, Professor of Economics at the Centre for Informal Sector & Labour Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, interviewed by Sobhana K Nair (The Hindu)
-The Hindu India risks losing benefits of the demographic dividend by not creating enough jobs for new entrants, warns Professor Mehrotra. Santosh K Mehrotra, Professor of Economics at the Centre for Informal Sector & Labour Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University and author of the recently launched book Reviving Jobs: An Agenda For Growth said the current reverse migration has set the country back by 15 years, and stressed that the economic stimulus...
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