-The Hindu No talks were held on Tuesday between the management and the striking workers of Maruti Suzuki India Limited's Manesar plant following the management's decision to go ahead with internal inquiries against three office-bearers of the unrecognised union that the workers have named Maruti Suzuki Employees' Union. However, negotiations between the striking workers of Suzuki Powertrain India Limited and that company's management continued for the second successive day on Tuesday. Workers of...
India campaign over 'draconian' anti-insurgent law by Riyaz Masroor
Prominent Indian activists have begun a 3000km (1864 miles) drive from Indian-administered Kashmir to north-eastern Manipur state to demand the withdrawal of a controversial anti-insurgent law. The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) gives the security forces the powers of search and seizure. It also protects soldiers who may kill a civilian by mistake or in unavoidable circumstances during an operation. The law has been blamed for "fake killings" in Kashmir and Manipur. An...
More »Workers strike thrice in five months, How Maruti lost connect with them by Sruthijith KK & Chanchal Pal Chauhan
There isn't a single burning, insurmountable issue because of which workers at Maruti's Manesar plant have struck work thrice in the last five months . Sruthijith KK & Chanchal Pal Chauhan report from Manesar that at its core lie accumulated grievances and resentment, and events are adding fuel to the fire A day after workers at Maruti Suzuki's Manesar facility went on strike in June, 55-year-old MM Singh, the company's head...
More »Maruti Suzuki shuts Gurgaon plant for 2 days; Manesar strike on
-PTI Maruti Suzuki India shut its main plant at Gurgaon for two days starting today due to component supply constraints from SPIL, where workers are on a stir in support of the striking colleagues at the country's largest car-maker's Manesar plant. "Maruti Suzuki has decided to suspend production at the Gurgaon plant on October 14 and October 15. This is in view of the non-availability of components for Cars," the company...
More »Labour, supply issues halt production at Maruti Suzuki
-IANS Production at automobile giant Maruti Suzuki's Gurgaon plant came to a halt Friday due to lack of components supply following labour unrest at the company's other plants, including the Manesar facility. 'Production has been stopped at the Gurgaon plant due to lack of component supply. Production at Manesar plant and component supply units remained closed due to the strike,' a senior company official told IANS. According to the official, the company on...
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