-The Hindu The RBI has estimated a 7.1% inflation rate for the July to September quarter India’s retail inflation touched 7% in August, up from 6.71% in July, fuelled by a 7.62% pick-up in food PRIces paid by consumers, even as industrial production growth in July had dropped to the lowest level since APRIl at just 2.4%, with output levels dropping 2.75% month-on-month. This is the eighth successive month that retail inflation...
Inflation in basic commodities higher in rural areas than urban: Consumer PRIce Index -Himanshu Nitnaware
-Down to Earth Among states, West Bengal had the highest inflation at 10.29% The All India Consumer PRIce Index (CPI) for the month of August 2022, released by the National Statistical Office September 12, was found to be higher for rural areas than urban ones. The CPI in rural areas — 7.15 per cent — was higher compared to 6.72 per cent in urban markets. The Consumer Food PRIce Index (CFPI) for rural...
More »First Quarter GDP Estimates This Year no Cause for Celebration -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in It is clear that the stagnation that was setting in during 2019-20 has persisted and has even intensified now. The estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the APRIl-June quarter released by the government on August 31 paint a dismal picture of the Indian economy. Since the GDP in real terms (at 2011-12 PRIces) shows an increase of 13.5% over the first quarter GDP a year ago, and since 13.5% appears...
More »Magsaysay Award -- In the eye of controversy -Sumeda
-The Hindu CPI(M) cites ‘anti-communist stance’ for declining the award for Shailaja A controversy over the ‘joint’ decision of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), or CPI (M), to decline the 2022 Ramon Magsaysay Award nomination for former Kerala Health Minister K.K. Shailaja has brought into focus the PRIze and the former Philippines President in whose name the award was instituted in 1957. Though the CPI(M) has cited the ‘anti-communist’ stance of Ramon...
More »Monetary Policy Alone Inadequate To Tame Inflation -Dr. Amar Patnaik
-NDTV.com At a time when Consumer PRIce Index (CPI) inflation has remained above RBI's upper tolerance level of 6% for seven consecutive months and the WPI inflation rates are at the highest levels since January 2007, it is good that the issue was finally discussed in parliament and the RBI's recent rate hike signals recognition of the concern. However, during the debate in the parliament, the Treasury bench largely took a...
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