The drama in the Rajya Sabha showed that the UPA government was not willing to go even by the will of Parliament. This gives rise to fundamental questions about the functioning of Indian democracy. The year 2011 will be remembered in India as the year of the campaign against corruption and for the Jan Lokpal Bill. The campaign began in January 2011 in the backdrop of the publicity that accompanied the...
The popular impression is that starvation deaths happen mainly because the information about potential victims fails to reach authorities. But can it amount to murder if a starvation death is caused despite adequate warning? A recent Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) report tells us a story of corruption and negligence leading to starvation and death in Odisha. Worse still is the fact that many more villagers await the same fate...
More »State Food Security Mission envisaged by NJ Nair
For implementing food security Act Constitution of a Sate Food Security Mission and district-level grievance redressal mechanism have been mooted for the effective implementation of the National Food Security Act. The proposed mission will have an advisory role, mainly to advise the government and its agencies, autonomous bodies, and non-governmental agencies involved in the delivery of services for effective implementation of food and nutrition-related schemes and also to enable individuals to...
More »The federalism question by Karan Singh Tyagi
For implementing food security Act Constitution of a Sate Food Security Mission and district-level grievance redressal mechanism have been mooted for the effective implementation of the National Food Security Act. The proposed mission will have an advisory role, mainly to advise the government and its agencies, autonomous bodies, and non-governmental agencies involved in the delivery of services for effective implementation of food and nutrition-related schemes and also to enable individuals to...
More »RTI applicants’ long wait is over
-The Deccan Chronicle Henceforth if any government agency denies information under Right to Information Act (RTI), applicants need not wait for years for the intervention of the state information commission. Instead they can approach the district consumer disputes redressal forum. In a land mark judgment, II additional district consumer disputes redressal forum, of the city of Seshadripu ram has ruled that RTI applicants are also consumers and it is the responsibility...
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