Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda on Monday announced during the Budget Session that his Government was working to enact a law safeguarding the rights of the Scheduled Tribes on their ancestral land and property. Munda added that recommendations of a sub-committee of the Tribal Advisory Committee would be taken under consideration before any such exercise. Replying to a question of raised by AJSU MLA KK Bhagat, in which he raised the issue...
Anna Hazare sets 2014 deadline for government to convert Jan Lokpal bill into a law
-The Economic Times Anna Hazare and his team were once again on the confrontation course with the Manmohan Singh government, with the activist setting 2014 - which coincides with the next general elections - as the deadline for converting the Jan Lokpal bill, drafted by them, into a law. "Government's intention is not clear on removing corruption and that is why they are not bringing Jan Lokpal Bill," alleged Hazare while staging...
More »Anna Hazare on fast, attacks 'deaf and dumb' government
-PTI Anna Hazare on Sunday returned to his favourite mode of protest -- hunger strike -- in Delhi after his flop show in Mumbai three months ago, this time protesting against the "deaf and dumb" government which is "not doing anything" to protect whistleblowers fighting corruption. Hazare, after his usual visit to Rajghat before any such protest in Delhi, came to the capital's dharna hotspot Jantar Mantar at around 11am to loud...
More »No one bill will do by PP Rao
Corruption has become a serious problem, defying solutions. To curb it, several measures are needed apart from the Lokpal bill, the Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill and the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Persons Making the Disclosures Bill, otherwise known as the whistlblowers protection bill. The three bills, in their present form, do not appear capable of achieving the avowed objective. Like the Right to Information Act, these bills...
More »Judges can't shoot from lip: Govt
-The Times of India The government has endorsed a recommendation of Parliament's standing committee to restrain judges from making baseless comments against constitutional and statutory bodies and their functionaries even in cases which don't concern them directly. The decision forms part of the Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill that is to be discussed by the Union Cabinet on Tuesday. The government has also expanded the standing committee's recommendation that close relatives of judges...
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