The Centre will send "monitors" to Madhya Pradesh to look into alleged financial irregularities worth crores of rupees in several works done under its flagship rural employment guarantee scheme. Official sources said the action came after several non-government organisations and self-help groups approached Rural Development Ministry, nodal agency for executing work through under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA), regarding alleged corruption in the programme meant for people living...
Farmers demand open, transparent agri R&D
A Farmers’ Round Table held in Dharwad has demanded that the state agricultural universities in Dharwad and Bangalore must present their research initiatives of the year in front of a farmers’ jury mainly of the small and marginalised and commit to respect its verdict. The Round Table also demanded that at every Krishi Mela held across the state, there should be a mini farmers’ jury to openly and transparently discuss the...
More »Locking of temple leads to tension by M Rafi Ahmed & S Kaththasami
Deadlock continues in Dalits temple entry issue at Uthamapalayam village in Tirupur district as the caste Hindus, who are in a sizable number in the village, continued to avoid several round of talks chaired by Dharapuram RDO as they felt it as a disgrace to allow Dalits to sit equally with them. Hence, tension prevails in the village. M Thangavel, state organiser for Avinashi-based Vizhuthugal, an NGO working for the rights of...
More »Govt Agrees NREGA Workers Get Wages @ 1948 Act
NREGA workers lifted their 47 days long Satyagrah/Dharna after the Center and Rajasthan State governments agreed to their demand wages on basis of Minimum Wages Act 1948. As per the press releas of SR Abhiyan, the struggling organization, on November 11, Mrs Gandhi wrote to the Prime Minister communicating the consensus reached in the NAC meeting on October 23, that workers should be paid minimum wages as notified under the...
More »CCI to bail out cotton farmers
The Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has decided to purchase stocks from farmers, who have been on a warpath for two months demanding a higher support price for their crop. Sources said bowing to pressure from farmers and political parties, the Union government cleared the decks for launching purchase centres by CCI in the state. Field-level officials at CCI, however, are still wary about the arrival of poor quality of stocks...
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