The provisional census 2011 has recorded the population of Arunachal Pradesh at 13,82,611, comprising 7,20,232 males and 6,62,379 females. According to to the latest census, the state has registered an overall growth of 25.92% during 2001-2011. The growth rate is higher than the national average of 17.64%. The state has added 2,84,643 persons in the decade. Papum Pare came up as the most populous district with 1,76,385 population followed by Changlang...
Female literacy rate takes 17-pt jump
After gaining 12 healthy points since the 2001 Census, the literacy rate of Uttar Pradesh moved closer to the national average of 74.04%. The state registered a literacy rate of 69.72% in the 2011 Census. Top performers in the state, which helped in increasing the percentage by several points are Ghaziabad (85%), Gautam Budh Nagar (82.20%) and capital Lucknow (79.33%). Female literacy rates in the state have also registered a remarkable jump...
More »Census shows Punjab may no more be land of opportunities by Sanjay Sharma
The 2011 census strengthens fears that Punjab may no more be a land of opportunities, recording the lowest population growth among major north Indian states, at 1.3% per annum. Despite this, Punjab has been able to arrest total fertility rate at 1.91, down from 2, as per the national family health survey 2007. Yet, it may also show that Punjab is not attracting migrants, indicating trouble for both farm and industry sectors....
More »Rajasthan reports dismal gender ratio
Rajasthan has failed its girl children on two counts. Not only has it failed to protect them, it has also been unsuccessful in educating them, according to the Census figures released on Monday. The child sex ratio (number of females for every 1,000 male children in 0-6 age group) has dropped sharply to 883 from 909 in 2001 and the state reports the lowest female literacy rate at 52.66%. Expressing concern...
More »NAC planning ways to develop rain-fed areas by Amit Agnihotri
In order to get a deeper understanding of the problems in the rain-fed areas, the NAC on natural resources management would soon hold consultations with the rural development ministry, states and NGOs Concerned over asset creation under the flagship Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) will explore ways and means to maximise the rural job plan in developing the rain-fed areas in...
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