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Progress blow to Gujarat -Basant Kumar Mohanty

-The Telegraph New Delhi: An expert panel has ranked Gujarat 12th among states in development, its findings flying in the face of narendra modi's claims but winning endorsement from economists The Telegraph spoke to. The committee, headed by Raghuram Rajan who has since been appointed Reserve Bank governor, assessed states on the basis of 10 criteria, which included many human development indicators. Bengal came 16th. Economist and Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen, who...

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Muzaffarnagar 2013 – Violence by Political Design: Centre for Policy Analysis This fact-finding exercise was coordinated by the CENTRE FOR POLICY ANALYSIS. Team members were the human rights activist and former civil servant Harsh Mander; former Director-General of the Border Security Force, E N Rammohan; Professor Kamal Mitra Chenoy of Jawaharlal Nehru University; National Integration Council member John Dayal; senior journalist Sukumar Muralidharan and CPA Director and senior editor Seema Mustafa. Introduction and Overview The first impression of the Muzaffarnagar countryside, now green...

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Rapid urbanization a cause for concern: PM -Rohan Dua & Vibhor Mohan

-The Times of India CHANDIGARH: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday expressed concern over the rising number of slum-dwellers due to rapid urbanization and said even private entities would be given financial support to construct houses for the urban poor under the UPA's 'Slum Free India' scheme. "Today, we have 90.6 million people living in slums and this could swell up to 100.4 million by 2017," the PM said after handing over...

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No takers for implementing narendra modi's health mission -Kapil Dave

-The Times of India GANDHINAGAR: The chief minister's flagship programme of Balam Sukham Mission that was launched with much fanfare before the assembly polls last year, stands caught in the inter-departmental crossfire. Launched to address the problem of malnutrition among women and children after Modi had drawn flak for his remarks on the subject in an interview, the programme has not moved forward as neither the health department nor the women...

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Land Acquisition Bill gets a green signal from Rajya Sabha

-The Indian Express   Rajya Sabha on Wednesday passed the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2013. The proposed law, which will replace the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 that suffers from various shortcomings, including silence on the issue of resettlement and rehabilitation of those displaced, stipulates mandatory consent of at least 70 per cent of landowners for acquiring land for Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects...

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