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Farm Crisis | Unemployment


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The objectives of Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) are: 

* to estimate the key employment and unemployment indicators (viz. Worker Population Ratio, Labour Force Participation Rate, Unemployment Rate) in the short time interval of three months for the urban areas only in the Current Weekly Status (CWS). 

* to estimate employment and unemployment indicators in both usual status (ps+ss) and CWS in both rural and urban areas annually.

The first Annual Report (July 2017-June 2018) on the basis of Periodic Labour Force Survey covering both rural and urban areas giving estimates of all important parameters of employment and unemployment in both usual status (ps+ss) and current weekly status (CWS) was released on May 2019 and the second Annual Report (July 2018-June 2019) was released on June 2020. This is the third Annual Report being brought out by National Statistical Office (NSO) on the basis of Periodic Labour Force Survey conducted during July 2019-June 2020.

Out of the total number of 12,800 First Stage Units-FSUs (7,024 villages and 5,776 Urban Frame Survey-UFS blocks) allotted for the survey at the all-India level during July 2019-June 2020, a total of 12,569 FSUs (6,913 villages in rural areas and 5,656 urban blocks) could be surveyed for canvassing the PLFS schedule (Schedule 10.4). The number of households surveyed was 1,00,480 (55,291 in rural areas and 45,189 in urban areas) and number of persons surveyed was 4,18,297 (2,40,231 in rural areas and 1,78,066 in urban areas).

The survey covered the whole of the Indian Union except the villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which remained extremely difficult to access throughout the year.

The fieldwork of PLFS was suspended from 18th March, 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. The fieldwork of the pending FSUs for January-March 2020 and the field work of FSUs allotted for canvassing during April–June, 2020 were resumed on 1st June 2020. Although schedules were canvassed later, the information was asked with respect to the actual reference period which would have been adopted if there were no pandemic. Thus, there was no break in the flow of information collected for any quarter except that informants were approached at a later date due to the unavoidable situation. On resumption of fieldwork in June 2020, the field officials were advised that the canvassing of revisit schedules was to be undertaken telephonically, as per actual reference periods of samples, in the original paper revisit schedules. The telephonic mode was adopted for revisit Schedules in order to minimise the physical interaction with informants so as to contain spread of COVID virus and to cope up with pandemic related restrictions.

The key findings of the Annual Report of the Periodic Labour Force Survey 2019-20 (released on 23rd July, 2021) prepared by the National Statistical Office (NSO) under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), are as follows (please click here and here to access): 

Households and Population

• About 53.2 percent of rural households (i.e. households with major source of income) were in self-employment, 12.9 percent of them were in regular wage/ salary earning jobs and 24.8 percent were in casual labour jobs. On the contrary, nearly 30.7 percent of urban households (i.e. households with major source of income) were in self-employment, 43.1 percent of them were in regular wage/ salary earning jobs and 11.5 percent were in casual labour jobs. 

Labour Force in usual status (ps+ss)

• The Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in India in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 40.1 percent. In rural areas, the male LFPR was 56.3 percent and the female LFPR was 24.7 percent. In urban areas, the male LFPR was 57.8 percent and the female LFPR was 18.5 percent. 

• The LFPR for persons of age 15-29 years in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 41.3 percent in rural areas, 40.0 percent in urban areas and 40.9 percent for the country as a whole. 

• The LFPR for persons of age 15 years and above in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 55.5 percent in rural areas, 49.3 percent in urban areas and 53.5 percent for the country as a whole. 


• The Worker Population Ratio (WPR) in India in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 38.2 percent. In rural areas, the male WPR was 53.8 percent and the female WPR was 24.0 percent. In urban areas, the male WPR was 54.1 percent and the female WPR was 16.8 percent.

• The WPR for persons of age 15-29 years in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 35.9 percent in rural areas, 32.1 percent in urban areas and 34.7 percent for the country as a whole. 

• The WPR for persons of age 15 years and above in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 53.3 percent in rural areas, 45.8 percent in urban areas and 50.9 percent for the country as a whole. 

• The share (%) of self-employed among workers in usual status (ps+ss) was 58.4 percent for rural males, 63.0 percent for rural females, 38.7 percent for urban males and 34.6 percent for urban females. 

• The share (%) of regular wage/ salaried employees among workers in usual status (ps+ss) was 13.8 percent for rural males, 9.5 percent for rural females, 47.2 percent for urban males and 54.2 percent for urban females. 

• The share (%) of casual labour among workers in usual status (ps+ss) was 27.8 percent for rural males, 27.5 percent for rural females, 14.1 percent for urban males and 11.1 percent for urban females. 

• The share of rural male workers [in usual status (ps+ss)] in agricultural sector was 55.4 percent, in construction sector was 15.0 percent, in trade, hotel and restaurant sector was 9.2 percent and in manufacturing sector was 7.3 percent. 

• The share of rural female workers [in usual status (ps+ss)] in agricultural sector was 75.7 percent, in construction sector was 5.6 percent, in trade, hotel and restaurant sector was 3.7 percent and in manufacturing sector was 7.3 percent. 

• The share of rural workers [in usual status (ps+ss)] in agricultural sector was 61.5 percent, in construction sector was 12.2 percent, in trade, hotel and restaurant sector was 7.6 percent and in manufacturing sector was 7.3 percent. 

• The share of urban male workers [in usual status (ps+ss)] in trade, hotel and restaurant sector was 28.9 percent, in manufacturing sector was 20.3 percent, in construction sector was 12.0 percent and in transport, storage and communications sector was 12.1 percent. 

• The share of urban female workers [in usual status (ps+ss)] in trade, hotel and restaurant sector was 22.3 percent, in manufacturing sector was 22.4 percent, in construction sector was 4.9 percent and in transport, storage and communications sector was 3.6 percent. 
• The share of urban workers [in usual status (ps+ss)] in trade, hotel and restaurant sector was 27.4 percent, in manufacturing sector was 20.8 percent, in construction sector was 10.3 percent and in transport, storage and communications sector was 10.2 percent. 

Unemployment Rate in usual status (ps+ss)

• The unemployment rate in India (for all ages) in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 4.8 percent. The unemployment rate in rural India (for all ages) in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 4.5 percent for males and 2.6 percent for females. The unemployment rate in urban India (for all ages) in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 6.4 percent for males and 8.9 percent for females.

• The unemployment rate for educated (highest level of education secondary and above) persons of age 15 years and above in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 10.1 percent. The unemployment rate for educated (highest level of education secondary and above) persons of age 15 years and above in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 9.9 percent in rural areas and 10.3 percent in urban areas. 

• The unemployment rate for youth persons of age 15-29 years in terms of usual status (ps+ss) was 15.0 percent. The unemployment rate for youth persons of age 15-29 years in terms of usual status (ps+ss) in rural areas was 13.8 percent for males and 10.3 percent for females. The unemployment rate for youth persons of age 15-29 years in terms of usual status (ps+ss) in urban areas was 18.2 percent for males and 24.9 percent for females. 

Earnings from employment, hours worked and hours available for additional work

• The range of earnings for regular wage/ salaried employees [in Current Weekly Status-CWS] during preceding calendar month in the quarters July–September 2019, October-December 2019, January–March 2020 and April–June 2020 was Rs. 13,900-Rs. 14,300 for rural males, Rs. 8,500-Rs. 12,100 for rural females, Rs. 19,200-Rs. 21,600 for urban males and Rs. 15,300-Rs. 17,300 for urban females. 

• The average wage earning per day by casual labour engaged in work other than public works during the reference week of the quarters July–September 2019, October-December 2019, January–March 2020 and April–June 2020 was Rs. 297-Rs. 315 for rural males, Rs. 185-Rs. 209 for rural females, Rs. 375-Rs. 391 for urban males and Rs. 243-Rs. 265 for urban females. 

• The average gross earnings during last 30 days from self employment work by self-employed workers in CWS in the quarters July–September 2019, October-December 2019, January–March 2020 and April–June 2020 was Rs. 9,200-Rs. 10,100 for rural males, Rs. 4,600-Rs. 5,000 for rural females, Rs. 14,500-Rs. 17,800 for urban males and Rs. 6,900-Rs. 7,700 for urban females. 

• The average hours actually worked in a week by a worker in CWS during July 2019–June 2020 was in the range 37 hours–48 hours. The average hours actually worked in a week by a worker in CWS during July 2019–June 2020 was in the range 39 hours–46 hours in rural areas and 30 hours–54 hours in urban areas. 

• The percentage of workers (range) in CWS who reported that they were available for additional work during July 2019–June 2020 was 1.3 percent-3.3 percent in rural areas and 1.1 percent-2.2 percent in urban areas. 

• The number of hours available for additional work (range) in a week for workers in CWS who reported that they were available for additional work during July 2019–June 2020 was 11.9 hours-14.2 hours in rural areas and 11.7 hours-18.8 hours in urban areas. 

Informal Sector

• Around 72.9 percent of male workers, 56.5 percent of female workers and 69.5 percent of all workers in usual status (ps+ss) are engaged in informal non-agricultural sector in India.  

Conditions of Employment

• About 68.1 percent of male regular wage/ salaried employees, 65.0 percent of female regular wage/ salaried employees and 67.3 percent of all regular wage/ salaried employees in the non-agricultural sector had no job contract in India. 

• About 53.1 percent of male regular wage/ salaried employees, 49.8 percent of female regular wage/ salaried employees and 52.3 percent of all regular wage/ salaried employees in the non-agricultural sector were not eligible for paid leave in India.

• Roughly 53.6 percent of male regular wage/ salaried employees, 56.0 percent of female regular wage/ salaried employees and 54.2 percent of all regular wage/ salaried employees in the non-agricultural sector were not eligible for any social security in India.

Definitions of Key Employment and Unemployment Indicators:

(a) Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR): The LFPR is defined as the percentage of persons in labour force (i.e. working or seeking or available for work) in the population.

(b) Worker Population Ratio (WPR): The WPR is defined as the percentage of employed persons in the population.

(c) Unemployment Rate (UR): The UR is defined as the percentage of persons unemployed among the persons in the labour force.

(d) Activity Status- Usual Status: The activity status of a person is determined on the basis of the activities pursued by the person during the specified reference period. When the activity status is determined on the basis of the reference period of last 365 days preceding the date of survey, it is known as the usual activity status of the person.

(e) Activity Status- Current Weekly Status (CWS): The activity status determined on the basis of a reference period of last 7 days preceding the date of survey is known as the current weekly status (CWS) of the person.

Rural Expert

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